This document lists various fact-checking resources, including websites like Snopes and FactCheck.org, as well as tools like Check and Verification Junkie. These resources aim to promote accuracy in public debate, debunk urban legends and misinformation, and verify the authenticity of social media content.
About Urban Legends: A website that debunks urban legends, myths, and rumors.
Africa Check A non-profit organization that aims to promote accuracy in public debate and the media in Africa.
Captain Fact: A collaborative platform that allows users to fact-check online content.
Check: A tool that enables users to verify the authenticity of social media content.
Correctiv: A high-quality fact-checking and investigative reporting outlet in Germany.
Emergent: A website that tracks and verifies rumors and misinformation circulating on social media. This appears to be inactive as of 2023.
EUvsDisinfo: EUvsDisinfo is the flagship project of the European External Action Service’s East StratCom Task Force. It was established in 2015 to better forecast, address, and respond to the Russian Federation’s ongoing disinformation campaigns affecting the European Union, its Member States, and countries in the shared neighbourhood.
Database of Known Fakes: The DBKF allows users to easily double-check whether a claim, image or video has already been debunked by trusted fact-checkers (IFCN Code of Practice signatories), including by whom, when and how this was done.
Fact Check: A non-partisan website that checks the accuracy of political claims and statements.
FactCheckEU: A fact-checking website that focuses on the European Union.
Full Fact: A fact-checking charity that checks claims made by politicians, the media, and other sources in the UK.
Lead Stories: A fact-checking website that focuses on debunking fake news and viral hoaxes.
Media Bias/Fact Check: A website that rates the bias and reliability of news sources.
Open Secrets: A website that tracks money in US politics and its effect on elections and public policy.
PolitiFact: A fact-checking website that checks the accuracy of statements made by public figures.
Snopes: A website that debunks urban legends, rumors, and misinformation.
The Fact Checker by The Washington Post: A column that checks the accuracy of statements made by politicians and public figures.
Truth or Fiction: A website that fact-checks rumors and misinformation.
Verification Handbook: A guidebook that provides tools and techniques for verifying user-generated content and rumors.
Verification Junkie: A directory of tools and resources for verifying online content.