AI Videos Spreading Bioweapons Disinformation Cite Kremlin, Target Africa
In the near future, we may see compelling, culturally resonant content designed to damage global health initiatives for geostrategic gain. We’ve seen efforts like this succeed in the past, and that was before AI.
The videos discussed in the report were identified on YouTube by InfoEpi Lab. They illustrate a chilling example of how AI could amplify disinformation, potentially undermining global health security and the credibility of scientific research. Though their reach was limited (several reached over 100k views) and their quality lackluster, they demonstrate attempts that could easily yield fruit with time. These videos propagate unsubstantiated claims regarding US biological laboratories in Africa, suggesting their involvement in bioweapons development or human experimentation. These efforts are not new, but the use of generative AI is.
Such claims, underpinned by unfounded allegations from the Russian Defense Ministry, which was mentioned by name in multiple videos, not only sow mistrust and fear but also jeopardize collaborative efforts against real threats like infectious diseases. The implications of this kind of disinformation are grave. Historical events where misinformation led to severe public health consequences are a reminder of the potential future we face, except everything in the past was achieved without the advantages that generative AI will bring.
In 1982, a campaign in Pakistan claimed that the United States was developing bioweapons by experimenting on the Pakistani public. These claims led to the expulsion of said scientists. As a consequence, people in that region continued to suffer and die from malaria for an additional twenty years. Years of life lost was the steep price of disinformation, believed, along with the loss of an investment in malaria control worth 10.2 billion US dollars today. This expulsion occurred against a geopolitical backdrop where the Soviets aimed to control the information space in surrounding countries during their invasion of Afghanistan.
The United States eliminated malaria in 1951 and was well-positioned to assist with effective approaches in Pakistan.
The claims in these AI-generated videos could one day drown out credible sources on a never-before-seen scale and distort public understanding of global health initiatives at a critical moment. Just as lies in the past haveincited murder, damaged international relationships, led to US citizens being attacked abroad, and more, so too will this new era have the potential to bring those outcomes.
By exploiting AI’s capacity to rapidly create and spread “highly persuasive” yet false content, these actors can significantly increase the reach and impact of harmful disinformation. The result is not just a misinformed public but potentially lethal consequences for global health security.
About the Videos and References
In this report, the videos have all been labeled with a unique ID and publication date. To match the ID with the actual video, see References for InfoEpi Lab Report.
These data were used in a report that examined AI-generated videos spreading misleading and false claims related to biological weapons and human experimentation. The transcripts were initially generated using and subsequently refined by manual correction. In certain instances, annotations were added to the report to highlight uncertainties in the transcriptions.
Transcripts were retrieved server-side via the Python youtube-transcript-API and then provided to the browser for display in the video template. Data are accessible via the Harvard Dataverse.
Common Themes
Figure 1: The unified visual style in the YouTube cover photos suggests some commonality, which could be a single creator, program, or template provided to creators. At least four cover photos feature the same people.
The videos raised concerns about US biological laboratories in Africa, stoking fears about their role in nefarious activities, including the development of bioweapons. They often mention the secretive nature of these facilities and hint at non-consensual human experimentation and clandestine biological weapons development.
These claims, fueled by Russian Defense Ministry allegations, place the US at the center of bioweapons accusations in Ukraine and Africa. Russia has made similar claims about the US in Georgia, Armenia, and Mongolia, none of which have been substantiated.
Discourse around these labs stokes fear of potential threats from these laboratories and implies that these installations may be an effort to expand US geopolitical dominance and military infrastructure on the African continent.
US Biological Research in Africa: The videos discuss the widespread establishment of US biological laboratories. The aim of these laboratories is dismissed in favor of suspicions about their involvement in potentially harmful research.
Secrecy and Bioweapons Development Concerns: Many videos speculate about the relationship of laboratories to outbreaks of diseases like Ebola and HIV. Some videos speculate that these are the outcome of such experiments. A theme of man-made biological threats appears in multiple ways.
Allegations of Unethical Practices: Valid criticism of unethical practices included discussion of non-consensual participation in scientific research via samples used without patient permission and use of the their data by private industry. The repeat appearances of similar claims demonstrate that ethical scientific practice is not simply a matter of morality or human rights but also of international security.
Russian Defense Ministry Accusations: The videos frequently cite accusations by the Russian Defense Ministry, alleging US involvement in bioweapons development in Ukraine and Africa. Experts cited have frequently appeared in Russian state-controlled media to bolster false claims of bioweapons development by the United States.
Geopolitical Influence and Military Infrastructure: Some videos suggest that the US might use these labs to extend its geopolitical influence in Africa, possibly as part of a broader military strategy.
Recurring Claims
400 Laboratories
All excerpts note that the United States has over 400 biolabs globally, with at least 30 in Africa. Multiple versions cite the widespread presence of US biolabs outside its borders as a reason for the suspicion, while failing to acknowledge the need for international collaboration and the inability of almost any other country to fully fund such an effort. That an original partner of the program was Russia is also absent.
Some of the transcripts state that if the laboratories were in the US, they would not be of concern. The distinction creates the appearance of sound reasoning while overlooking that thefundamental purpose of these facilities is to face challenges and threats in other areas of the world–something that cannot be easily done from a laboratory based in the United States.
Figure 2: DTRA employs approximately 2,000 civilians and uniformed service members at more than a dozen permanent locations worldwide. Partners include Germany, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Kenya, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore.
The locations and activities at these facilities are a matter of public record rather than the covert effort portrayed in multiple videos.
Transcript Excerpts
2023-11-15 - oGwMEZ0I5Cs: Now, if the USA had all its bio-labs in its own country, then that wouldn’t be our business. But research has shown that the USA is the only country in the world that has bio-labs in all the regions of the world, including Africa. In fact, it is reported that the US has over 30 bio-labs in Africa and over 400 across the globe. Can you imagine that? 400 bio-labs. Why do they need so many bio-labs in Africa? What are they researching in these labs? And how do African governments allow the US to set up so many bio-labs across the continent? These are questions that need to be answered.
2023-11-16 - meFgHKTlS2I: Movies often depict countries engaging in dangerous biological research that can lead to the creation of bioweapons. These scenarios often involve the risks of these weapons falling into the wrong hands or accidental releases that could endanger innocent people. It is natural to wonder why governments would conduct such research that poses threats not only to their citizens but also to the global population. One country that raises these questions is the USA, as it is the only country with biolabs spread across the world, including Africa. Reports indicate that the US has over 30 biolabs in Africa and more than 400 globally. The reasons behind the need for so many biolabs in Africa and what these labs are researching remain unknown. It is questionable how African governments have allowed such an extensive presence of US biolabs on the continent.
2023-12-18 - uGnUbu4FbLE: What is done in these biolabs, and why does the United States not want the world to know about them? Let’s know about everything in this [Music] video. If all of the United States’ biological laboratories were situated within its borders, it wouldn’t be a matter of concern. However, research reveals that the US stands as the sole country globally with biological laboratories dispersed worldwide, including in Africa. Reports suggest the operation of over 30 biolabs in Africa and more than 400 worldwide by the US. This begs the question: Why would a country like the United States need so many biolabs worldwide? Also, why does the US have biolabs where some of the most top-secret and human-related experiments are conducted?
2023-12-22 - qDJoTmJ5FPA: The United States is a global powerhouse with a network of over 400 biological laboratories worldwide, including over 30 in Africa alone. You might be wondering why a country like the US needs such a vast network of labs far beyond its borders. Think about it – in our backyards, we’re used to labs conducting research for the betterment of humanity, but the story changes when these labs are thousands of miles away, in different countries, operating under a veil of secrecy. It raises a big question mark.
2024-01-08 - z66PiUamY3k: The question arises: what occurs within these facilities, and why does the United States keep them hidden from the world? If all of the United States’ biological laboratories were located within its borders, it might not raise as much concern. However, research reveals that the US is the sole country with dispersed biolabs globally, including over 30 in Africa and more than 400 worldwide. This raises further questions about why a country like the United States would require such an extensive network of biolabs, particularly those conducting top secret and human-related experiments.
2024-01-08 - skF0q_Kky48: The global dispersion of over 400 US biological laboratories, including approximately 30 in Africa, raises serious concerns. These facilities, which conduct classified experiments, have raised questions about the true motivations behind the extensive network of labs, particularly in light of previous outbreaks linked to lab research.
2024-01-10 - 5VZRx-DWwTM: The first US laboratories were established in Africa in the late ’90s to fight AIDS and malaria. However, the number of these facilities increased over the years, and now Washington has over 400 units whose true missions remain unclear. Many experts draw connections between the number of American laboratories, their locations, and epidemic outbreaks in certain parts of Africa.
Access Denied to African Scientists
A recurring concern is the alleged refusal by outside countries to allow African scientists the ability to conduct their research using the samples taken from their fellow citizens. The transcripts consistently question the altruistic motives behind these research initiatives, citing the exclusion of African scientists as evidence of nefarious aims.
2023-11-15 - oGwMEZ0I5Cs: The annoying thing about this whole situation is that, despite the fact that blood samples were taken from thousands of citizens of African countries, scientists from Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea still do not have access to these samples to conduct their own research. The US refused to give them access to this research. If these bio-researches are truly for the benefit of Africa and the world, why doesn’t the US allow scientists from Africa to access them?
2023-11-16 - meFgHKTlS2I: Adding to the concern is the fact that despite thousands of blood samples being collected from citizens of African countries, scientists from Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea are denied access to this research by the US. If these bio-research efforts aim to benefit Africa and the world, the denial of access to African scientists raises doubts.
2023-12-18 - uGnUbu4FbLE: Adding to the complexity, despite the extensive collection of blood samples from African citizens, scientists from Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea are denied access to conduct their independent research. The US’s refusal raises significant doubts about the selfless motives behind these bio-research initiatives. If the goal is genuinely for the benefit of Africa and the global community, denying access to African scientists raises valid concerns. The situation remains both perplexing and worrisome.
2023-12-22 - qDJoTmJ5FPA: Complicating matters, despite the extensive collection of blood samples from African citizens, scientists from Sierra Leon, Liberia, and Guinea are denied access to conduct their own independent research. The US’s refusal to grant access raises significant doubts about the selfless motives behind these bioresearch initiatives. If the goal is genuinely for the benefit of Africa and the global community, denying access to African scientists raises valid concerns. The situation remains perplexing and worrisome.
2024-01-08 - z66PiUamY3k: Adding to the puzzle, African scientists from Sierra Leon, Liberia, and Guinea find themselves barred from accessing these samples for their research. This exclusion is particularly troubling, considering the samples are from their fellow citizens. If US bio-research initiatives are genuinely altruistic, aimed at benefiting Africa and the global community, why deny African scientists the opportunity to contribute and learn?
2024-01-08 - skF0q_Kky48: These findings call into question the US’s stated goal of protecting local populations, especially given that access to biological materials collected remains restricted for African scientists.
2024-01-10 - 5VZRx-DWwTM: Russian Diplomat Oleg Ozerov, the head of the Secretariat of the Russia-Africa economic forum, said that his country is concerned about the possible expansion of US biological laboratories in Africa, given that Africans have no access to the results of such biological research conducted in their countries…Anything that is shrouded in secrecy, where there is limited or no access of whatever nature from the local scientists for purposes of research, will then, at face value, be violating the provisions of the Biological Weapons Convention in the sense that it is no longer transparent and can never be guaranteed to be peaceful whatsoever,” said the expert.
AIDS and Malaria
The videos share several similarities regarding establishing and expanding US “biolabs” in Africa. They state that the US established labs in the 1990s to combat AIDS and malaria. The transcripts often mention that laboratories have expanded to hundreds of locations. This expansion is a central point in the narrative, implying this suggests a shift from the original purpose of the labs.
Transcript Excerpts
2023-11-15 - oGwMEZ0I5Cs: The first US bio-labs were established in Africa in the late 1990s to fight AIDS and malaria, but, like we said earlier, the numbers have increased to over 400 units.
2023-11-16 - meFgHKTlS2I: Originally established in Africa in the late 1990s to combat diseases like AIDS and malaria, these labs have multiplied exponentially over the years, leading to suspicions of an ulterior motive.
2023-12-18 - uGnUbu4FbLE: The first US laboratories in Africa emerged in the late ’90s, initially focused on combating AIDS and malaria.
2023-12-22 - qDJoTmJ5FPA: The initial US biolabs in Africa, established in the late 1990s to combat AIDS and malaria, have expanded to over 400 units.
2024-01-08 - z66PiUamY3k: In Africa, the first US labs appeared in the late 90s, initially to combat AIDS and malaria.
2024-01-08 - skF0q_Kky48: Initially established to combat diseases such as AIDS and malaria, the number of these labs has grown significantly over the years. Controversies involving US-run laboratories in Ukraine have fueled suspicions.
2024-01-10 - 5VZRx-DWwTM: The first US laboratories were established in Africa in the late ’90s to fight AIDS and malaria. However, the number of these facilities increased over the years, and now Washington has over 400 units whose true missions remain unclear.
Citing Robert F Kennedy Jr. As Proof of Bioweapons Claims
When referencing US research laboratories in Ukraine, most of the transcripts cited Robert Kennedy Jr. as the source confirming the existence of clandestine US research facilities in Ukraine. Contrary to these assertions, the facilities are recognized international research labs. The UN was forced to publicly reiterate that it is not aware of any locations where biological weapons development is taking place.
This misleading conflation of the presence of labs with the unsanctioned development of weapons muddles two distinct topics—ones with significantly different implications and realities. By conflating the two, the existence of laboratories becomes a kind of shorthand for a fuller statement: The laboratories exist, and they are developing biological weapons. The latter part of the statement is unsubstantiated.
The implications of that for global health security may be grim.
Transcript Excerpts
2023-11-15 - oGwMEZ0I5Cs: Robert Kennedy Jr., a US politician, confirmed this year, 2023, that the US truly has bio-labs where they produce illegal bioweapons in Ukraine. This means Russia was not lying. In October 2023, the Russian defense military again raised concerns that the United States is allegedly transferring its dual-use biological research to Africa, where it’s believed to be conducting illegal and dangerous experiments with potential bioweapon agents in African countries. Although the US has again denied the allegations, the fact is that if Russia wasn’t lying about the first allegations, then it certainly couldn’t be lying about this.
2023-11-16 - meFgHKTlS2I: Robert Kennedy Jr., a US politician, confirmed allegations of illegal bioweapon production in Ukrainian biolabs. Furthermore, the Russian defense ministry has raised concerns that the US is transferring its dual-use biological research to Africa, particularly in African countries where illegal and dangerous experiments are believed to take place.
2023-12-18 - uGnUbu4FbLE: However, documents obtained by Robert Kennedy Jr. unveiled US military-funded labs in Ukraine, creating biological weapon components and testing them on the local population. Confirming this in 2023, Robert Kennedy Jr., a US politician, acknowledged the existence of US biolabs producing illegal bioweapons in Ukraine. Later, the US officially admitted to running biolabs in Ukraine, making it clear that whatever it said was a lie. This also proves that the US denial that it does not have biolabs worldwide is also a lie.
2023-12-22 - qDJoTmJ5FPA: In 2023, Robert Kennedy, a US politician, acknowledged the existence of US biolabs producing illegal bioweapons in Ukraine. Later, the US officially admitted to running biolabs in Ukraine, exposing their previous denials as lies. This further demonstrates that the US’s denial of having biolabs worldwide is also false.
2024-01-08 - z66PiUamY3k: The US initially called these claims misinformation, but here’s where it gets fascinating. Documents surfaced, thanks to Robert Kennedy Jr., an American politician, that shed light on these US-funded labs in Ukraine. They were not just any labs; they were allegedly creating components for biological weapons and testing them on the local population. In 2023, Kennedy Jr. himself confirmed this shocking revelation. The US, after a period of denial, had to come clean about running these biolabs in Ukraine.
2024-01-08 - skF0q_Kky48: Recent controversies involving US-run laboratories in Ukraine have fueled suspicions, despite US denials. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s revelations and subsequent US government admissions about running such labs contradict their earlier claims. These events call into question the credibility of the United States’ statements about its global biolab presence and activities.
2024-01-10 - 5VZRx-DWwTM: No text.
Citing Cyril Broderick
In various texts, references are made to Cyril Broderick, a professor known for falsely alleging that the US manufactured the Ebola virus—a claim that garnered attention in 2014. Broderick’s name is pronounced incorrectly as Brick, Brooks, or Brook in a few versions. The context from surrounding text confirms that these are likely references the same person. Multiple versions mention the Liberian Observer, the paper where Broderick published his document claiming that the US had created Ebola virus.
Misspellings and Mispronunciations in Videos
Multiple videos mention Cyril Broderick. In some cases, it appears his name has been pronounced incorrectly as Brick, Brooks, or Brook in a few versions. The context from surrounding text in the transcripts shows that these are likely references to Broderick Multiple versions mention the Liberian Observer, the paper where Broderick published a sensational article that falsely claimed that the US had created Ebola virus.
It’s possible that references to a Dr. Brooks may reference Dr. Tim Brooks, who was the head of Public Health England in 2019 and who also appeared in an article from which many of the details in these excerpts were sourced.
Transcript Excerpts
2023-11-15 - oGwMEZ0I5Cs: Interestingly, outbreaks of epidemics in Africa have often occurred in close proximity to US labs. Some experts, like Dr. Cyril Brick, an infectious diseases specialist, have accused the United States of creating and spreading diseases like Ebola. Dr. Brick claims that epidemic outbreaks occur near American biological labs and suggests that Ebola and AIDS could be genetically modified organisms developed as biological weapons and deliberately delivered to Africa for testing.
2023-11-16 - meFgHKTlS2I: Interestingly, outbreaks of epidemics in Africa have often occurred in close proximity to US labs. Some experts, like Dr. Cyril Brick, an infectious diseases specialist, have accused the United States of creating and spreading diseases like Ebola. Dr. Brick claims that epidemic outbreaks occur near American biological labs and suggests that Ebola and AIDS could be genetically modified organisms developed as biological weapons and deliberately delivered to Africa for testing. These concerns raise significant questions about the activities taking place in US biolabs across the globe, particularly in Africa.
2023-12-18 - uGnUbu4FbLE: In Liberia, for instance, articles published by Dr. Cyril Brook, an expert in infection and microbiological diseases, condemned the United States for creating and spreading Ebola fever pathogens. Dr. Cyril found that epidemic outbreaks coincided with regions where American biological laboratories were located. He further alleged that the US’s covert operations aimed at creating and spreading deadly viruses, claiming that Ebola and AIDS were genetically modified organisms developed by military organizations in North America as biological weapons, specifically delivered to Africa for testing at Kima City State Hospital in Sierra Leone, resulting in over 13,000 deaths due to the Ebola virus…Dr. Cyril Broderick, an expert in infections and microbiological diseases, published articles in Liberia’s largest newspaper, the Liberian Observer, condemning the US for allegedly creating and spreading Ebola fever pathogens. He asserted that epidemic outbreaks coincided with the presence of American biological Laboratories. Dr. Broderick claimed that the US engaged in covert operations to develop and spread the deadly virus. He went further, suggesting that Ebola and AIDS were genetically modified organisms created by North American Military organizations as biological weapons intentionally introduced to Africa for testing.
2023-12-22 - qDJoTmJ5FPA: In Liberia, for example, Dr. Cyril Brook, an expert in infection and microbiological diseases, has published articles condemning the United States for creating and spreading Ebola fever pathogens. According to Dr. Brook, epidemic outbreaks have coincided with regions where American biological laboratories were present. He further alleges that the US is covertly involved in creating and spreading deadly viruses, asserting that Ebola and AIDS were genetically modified organisms developed by military organizations in North America as biological weapons, specifically targeted for testing in Africa.
2024-01-08 - z66PiUamY3k: No text.
2024-01-08 - skF0q_Kky48: Intriguingly, infection expert Dr. Cyril Brooks has implicated US labs in the creation and spread of pathogens such as the Ebola virus and proposed genetic modifications of viruses as potential bioweapons, despite US denials.
2024-01-10 - 5VZRx-DWwTM: Liberian Observer, the largest newspaper in Liberia, published articles by Dr. Cyril Broderick, an infections and microbiological diseases expert who condemned the United States for creating and spreading Ebola fever pathogens. He found out that epidemic outbreaks happen in the regions where the American biological laboratories are located. Dr. Broderick stated that secret operations of the US are aimed at creating and spreading the deadly virus. He also said that Ebola and AIDS were genetically modified organisms developed by military organizations in North America as biological weapons and specially delivered to Africa for testing.
Citing Dr. Ntsikelelo Breakfast
The transcripts consistently present the perspective of Dr. Ntsikelelo Breakfast, a senior lecturer at Nelson Mandela University. Breakfast suggests the United States is shifting its biological research to Africa to expand its geopolitical influence. The claims appear to be sourced from a Sputnik article containing quotes in some of the transcripts, such as framing Africa as a “geopolitical battleground.” The Sputnik piece also references a report discussed in another section.
The videos cite Breakfast to highlight concerns related to dual-use biological research. This concern is coupled with the assertion that international bodies like the World Health Organization can’t challenge the United States.
Misspellings and Mispronunciations in Videos
Multiple versions incorrectly state Dr. Breakfast’s name as “Nilelo,” but again, as with mentions of Cyril Broderick, the surrounding text strongly suggests these intend to reference Dr. Breakfast.
Transcript Excerpts
2023-11-15 - oGwMEZ0I5Cs: According to Dr. Ntsikelelo Breakfast, a senior lecturer at the Department of History and Political Studies at Nelson Mandela University in South Africa, the reason why the US is shifting its biological research to Africa is that the US is trying to expand its influence on the African continent, given that Africa is a strategic place that has always been a geopolitical battleground between great powers because of its resources. Dr. Breakfast stated that he believes that since the US already has lots of military bases in Africa, the bio-labs would simply be subsumed into the military. Can you see another reason why Africa needs to dismantle all the foreign military bases on the continent?
2023-11-16 - meFgHKTlS2I: Despite US denials, the credibility of these allegations cannot be dismissed, especially considering previous incidents. Dr. Nilelo Breakfast, a senior lecturer at Nelson Mandela University, suggests that the US’s motive for shifting biological research to Africa is to expand its influence on the continent. Africa has always been a battleground for geopolitical powers due to its vast resources. Dr. Breakfast believes that with the US already having numerous military bases in Africa, the biolabs would likely become part of the military machinery. These concerns further emphasize the need to dismantle foreign military bases on the continent.
2023-12-18 - uGnUbu4FbLE: Dr. Nilelo Breakfast, a senior lecturer at the Department of History and Political Studies at Nelson Mandela University in South Africa, suggests that the US is shifting its biological research to Africa to enhance its influence on the continent, given Africa’s strategic importance as a geopolitical battleground for major powers. Dr. Breakfast believes that, considering the existing US military bases in Africa, the biolabs might seamlessly integrate into the military infrastructure. This raises questions about the necessity of dismantling foreign military bases on the continent.
2023-12-22 - qDJoTmJ5FPA: Dr. Ntsikelelo Benjamin Breakfast, a senior lecturer at Nelson Mandela University in South Africa, suggests that the US may be shifting its biological research to Africa to increase its influence on the continent. Africa’s strategic importance as a geopolitical battleground due to its abundant resources makes it an attractive location for the US. Dr. Benjamin believes that considering the presence of US military bases in Africa, the biolabs could easily integrate into the existing military infrastructure. This raises concerns about the necessity of dismantling foreign military bases on the continent.
2024-01-08 - z66PiUamY3k: This is where Dr. Ntsikelelo Benjamin, a senior lecturer at Nelson Mandela University, comes into the picture. He’s got an interesting take on this whole situation. Dr. Benjamin suggests that the US might be shifting its biological research to Africa not just for scientific purposes but to increase its geopolitical influence. Remember, Africa is a treasure trove of resources and a key player in global politics. Dr. Benjamin points out something even more intriguing: with US military bases in Africa, these biolabs could be part of a larger military infrastructure. This insight leads us to a pressing question: should there be a push to dismantle foreign military bases in Africa, especially if they’re intertwined with secretive biolabs?
2024-01-08 - skF0q_Kky48: According to Dr. Nilelo Breakfast of Nelson Mandela University, the United States may be leveraging its biological research in Africa to increase its influence on the continent. These revelations and ongoing suspicions call into question the US narratives about the purpose and scope of its global biolab operations. According to Dr. Breakfast, US military bases in Africa may be linked to these biolabs, sparking debates about the removal of foreign bases on the continent.
2024-01-10 - 5VZRx-DWwTM: According to Dr. Ntsikelelo Breakfast a senior lecturer at the Department of History and Political Studies at Nelson Mandela University in South Africa, the US shifting its biological research to Africa is not surprising, given that Washington is seeking to expand its influence on the African continent, which he described as a strategic place that has always been a geopolitical battleground between great powers because of its resources. “They’ve got military bases in Africa,” Breakfast told Sputnik Africa. “So the way I understand this development is that this military biological research will be subsumed into the military of the US, of course with a strong footprint in Africa now.” The foreign policy of the US has always been driven by national interests in pursuit of its hegemonic project. Dr. Breakfast added that he expects Washington, in pursuit of its agenda, to locate some of its military biological research in universities in host countries. He did not rule out the possibility that some US multinational companies might be involved since they stand to benefit. Breakfast noted that the concern is about the ethical issues of this kind of dual-use biological research, especially when multilateral bodies such as the World Health Organization turn a blind eye to such activities.
Ebola and Europeans and Americans
The videos discuss an Ebola virus outbreak, focusing on the involvement of European and American scientists. They highlight that these scientists were a major presence during the outbreak.
The first two videos, “oGwMEZ0I5Cs” and “meFgHKTlS2I,” note that the origin of the Ebola virus outbreak is often unknown. They also mention the collection of blood samples without patient consent and raise valid ethical concerns. Unauthorized blood sample collection and its benefit to European and American pharmaceutical companies is addressed explicitly in “meFgHKTlS2I” and “skF0q_Kky48.” Others, like “uGnUbu4FbLE,” “qDJoTmJ5FPA,” and “z66PiUamY3k,” suggest that the Ebola outbreak adds complexity to the situation but do not elaborate on what this additional complexity entails.
Overall, the transcripts highlight the presence of Western scientists in the Ebola outbreak and raise valid concerns about ethical practices, particularly regarding the use of blood samples without consent.
Transcript Excerpts
2023-11-15 - oGwMEZ0I5Cs: Whenever these outbreaks happen, the end result is always that the origin of the epidemic is unknown. It’s worth mentioning that during the Ebola virus outbreak, the specialists operating on the scene were mostly Europeans and Americans.
2023-11-16 - meFgHKTlS2I: The origin of epidemics like the Ebola virus outbreak is often unknown. During the Ebola outbreak, European and American specialists gathered over 250,000 blood samples without patient consent.
2023-12-18 - uGnUbu4FbLE: The Ebola virus outbreak adds a compelling layer, featuring specialists predominantly composed of Europeans and Americans.
2023-12-22 - qDJoTmJ5FPA: The Ebola virus outbreak is particularly concerning, as it involved specialists primarily composed of Europeans and Americans.
2024-01-08 - z66PiUamY3k: Let’s focus on the Ebola virus outbreak, which adds another layer to this complex narrative. The crisis saw an influx of specialists, predominantly Europeans and Americans.
2024-01-08 - skF0q_Kky48: During the Ebola crisis, ethical concerns arose with unauthorized blood sample collection and questionable practices benefiting European and American pharmaceutical companies.
2024-01-10 - 5VZRx-DWwTM: It’s worth mentioning that during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, mostly European and American specialists have been operating at the scene.
Exploitation as a Means to Save on Cost
Excerpts in this section are united in their valid concerns about the unethical practices of European and American pharmaceutical companies during the Ebola crisis. A central theme is the unauthorized collection of blood samples from African people who did not consent to be donors.
The financial implications of these actions are highlighted in several texts: oGwMEZ0I5Cs,” “meFgHKTlS2I,” “uGnUbu4FbLE,” “qDJoTmJ5FPA,” and “5VZRx-DWwTM.” These versions emphasize that using these blood samples allowed pharmaceutical companies to save billions of dollars in vaccine development costs.
The ethical concerns arising from these practices are explicitly mentioned in “skF0q_Kky48” and subtly implied in “z66PiUamY3k.” While citing potential financial savings, some of the transcripts also mention immense ethical costs.
The U.S. government should ensure that Ebola virus related biospecimens are obtained ethically, including addressing the challenges of obtaining informed consent during a public health emergency and ensuring adequate privacy protections. The U.S. government should also, in collaboration with partners, facilitate access to the benefits that result from related research to the broadest group of persons possible. This can be achieved by engaging in dialogue with global partners and working collaboratively with local scientists whenever possible to develop effective strategies for ensuring equitable distribution of the benefits of research both in the United States and abroad.
Transcript Excerpts
2023-11-15 - oGwMEZ0I5Cs: This unlawful move allowed European and American pharmaceutical corporations to use the blood of African people who didn’t agree to become donors for free, thus saving billions of dollars while creating a vaccine.
2023-11-16 - meFgHKTlS2I: This unauthorized action allowed pharmaceutical companies from Europe and America to use African blood for free, saving billions of dollars in developing vaccines.
2023-12-18 - uGnUbu4FbLE: This controversial action yielded substantial savings, amounting to billions of dollars in developing a vaccine.
2023-12-22 - qDJoTmJ5FPA: This controversial action resulted in substantial cost savings, amounting to billions of dollars in the development of a vaccine.
2024-01-08 - z66PiUamY3k: The financial aspect – it saved these companies billions in vaccine development costs, but the ethical cost? Immeasurable.
2024-01-08 - skF0q_Kky48: During the Ebola crisis, ethical concerns arose with unauthorized blood sample collection and questionable practices benefiting European and American pharmaceutical companies.
2024-01-10 - 5VZRx-DWwTM: This unlawful move allowed the European and American pharmaceutical corporations to use the blood of the African people, who didn’t agree to become donors, for free, thus saving billions of dollars while creating a vaccine, for example.
Man-Made Viruses
This section contains excerpts that promoted the decades-old claim that the US created HIV. In 1983, a significant Soviet disinformation campaign falsely alleged that HIV had been manufactured in Fort Detrick, Maryland. Various global medical and scientific experts, including prominent Soviet scientists themselves, later debunked this claim.
Initially, the story didn’t attract much attention and had arisen organically within marginalized communities. In 1985, the Soviet newspaper Literaturnaya Gazeta picked it up. Subsequently, it became a recurring topic in Soviet media, appearing at least 40 times in 1987 alone, according to a 1988 report from the Active Measures Working Group. The false narrative spread to over 80 countries and was translated into more than 30 languages by the late 1980s.
Man-made virus claims–which no longer come only or even primarily from foreign actors– should be of particular concern to the United States. When claims that the US had created HIV met with ethnic weapon claims, it seriously damaged relations between the United States and African countries, according to Military historian Thomas Boghardt. The Soviets promoted both claims.
Transcript Excerpts
2023-11-15 - oGwMEZ0I5Cs: He also added that the secret operations of the US are aimed at creating and spreading the deadly virus, and that Ebola and AIDS were genetically modified organisms developed by military organizations in North America as biological weapons, and specially delivered to Africa for testing.
2023-11-16 - meFgHKTlS2I: Dr. Brick claims that epidemic outbreaks occur near American biological labs and suggests that Ebola and AIDS could be genetically modified organisms developed as biological weapons and deliberately delivered to Africa for testing.
2023-12-18 - uGnUbu4FbLE: He further alleged that the US’s covert operations aimed at creating and spreading deadly viruses, claiming that Ebola and AIDS were genetically modified organisms developed by military organizations in North America as biological weapons, specifically delivered to Africa for testing at Kenema City State Hospital in Sierra Leone, resulting in over 13,000 deaths due to the Ebola virus.
2023-12-22 - qDJoTmJ5FPA: He further alleges that the US is covertly involved in creating and spreading deadly viruses, asserting that Ebola and AIDS were genetically modified organisms developed by military organizations in North America as biological weapons, specifically targeted for testing in Africa…He claimed that epidemic outbreaks coincided with the presence of American biological laboratories and suggested that Ebola and AIDS were genetically modified organisms developed by North American military organizations as biological weapons, intentionally introduced to Africa for testing.
2024-01-08 - z66PiUamY3k: No text.
2024-01-08 - skF0q_Kky48: Intriguingly, infection expert Dr. Cyril Brooks implicates US labs in the creation and spread of pathogens such as the Ebola virus and proposes genetic modifications of viruses as potential bioweapons…Dr. Cyril Broderick, an infection and microbiological disease expert, claimed that American biological laboratories in Africa were linked to epidemic outbreaks, implying that Ebola and AIDS were genetically modified organisms created by North American military organizations for testing in Africa.
2024-01-10 - 5VZRx-DWwTM: He also said that Ebola and AIDS were genetically modified organisms developed by military organizations in North America as biological weapons and specially delivered to Africa for testing.
Citing Reports from Russia
The Russian reports, cited by the videos, allege that the United States is conducting dangerous experiments in biolabs set up across Africa under the guise of fighting deadly diseases. These excerpts discuss the ease and cost-effectiveness of conducting experiments on the African population, making the disturbing argument that it can be done with minimal resistance and reputational risk for the US. The transcripts imply that laboratories ostensibly set up to combat deadly diseases, pose a significant threat to the African continent.
A recurring risk highlighted is the potential for deadly diseases to escape from these labs, although it doesn’t provide examples or details. The lethal threat is followed by a warning that Africa has inadequate expertise and equipment to contain such outbreaks. The text sidesteps that the presence of US laboratories is designed to address the shortage of resources. The expertise absolutely exists within African nations, so the claim itself is quite condescending.
A final aspersion cast in these excerpts is that the laboratories are always “in close proximity” or near sites of epidemic outbreaks. Here, as in other repeated sections, the authors avoid overt accusations, which might lead to content removal, and instead lead the audience to connect the dots, regardless of whether those dots should be connected.
Transcript Excerpts
2023-11-15 - oGwMEZ0I5Cs: The report released by Russia also added that one of the reasons why the bio-labs are set up in Africa is that it would be very easy for them to conduct dangerous experiments on the local African population without protest. Also, these experiments would be much cheaper to carry out in Africa and do not carry reputational risk. It may look as if these US labs are simple labs that were set up to help fight deadly diseases, but the fact is that these labs, where strains of deadly diseases are developed in Africa, are a threat to the African continent. Imagine if any of these deadly diseases, be they viruses or pathogens, happened to escape the lab. How disastrous would that be, especially for the African continent, where the expertise and equipment needed to contain these diseases are not yet available?
2023-11-16 - meFgHKTlS2I: The Russian report also highlights the ease of conducting dangerous experiments on the African population without protest, as well as the lower costs associated with such experiments in Africa, along with minimal reputational risk. While these US labs may appear to be established for the purpose of combating deadly diseases, the fact remains that developing lethal pathogens in Africa poses a significant threat to the continent. The potential for deadly diseases to escape these labs and wreak havoc, especially in regions lacking the necessary expertise and equipment to contain such diseases, cannot be ignored.
2023-12-18 - uGnUbu4FbLE: The report released by Russia on US labs in Africa also implies that one reason for establishing biolabs on the continent is the ease with which the US can conduct experiments on the local African population without significant resistance. Additionally, these experiments are considered more cost-effective in Africa and carry fewer reputational risks. While these US labs may seem like facilities established to combat deadly diseases, the reality is that they pose a threat to the African continent. Just imagine the disastrous consequences if strains of deadly diseases, be they viruses or pathogens, were to escape the lab, especially in a region lacking the expertise and equipment needed to contain such diseases. Interestingly, incidents along these lines have occurred multiple times, according to reports by experts.
2023-12-22 - qDJoTmJ5FPA: The Russian report on US labs in Africa also suggests that one reason for establishing biolabs on the continent is the ease with which the US can conduct experiments on the local population with minimal resistance. Additionally, conducting experiments in Africa is considered more cost-effective and carries fewer reputational risks for the US. While these US labs may appear to be aimed at combating deadly diseases, they actually pose a threat to the African continent. Imagine the catastrophic consequences if strains of deadly diseases—such as viruses or pathogens—were to escape the lab, especially in a region lacking the expertise and equipment needed to contain such diseases. Interestingly, there have been multiple incidents along these lines. According to reports by experts, whenever an epidemic outbreak has occurred in Africa, there are reports of a US lab located in close proximity.
2024-01-08 - z66PiUamY3k: The recent report by Russia about US labs in Africa sheds light on a deeply troubling aspect – the alleged ease of conducting experiments on the local African population. It’s a grim suggestion that these experiments are not only more cost-effective in Africa but also carry fewer risks of damaging the US reputation. The facade is that these labs are set up to combat deadly diseases, but what if the reality is far more sinister? Imagine the catastrophic consequences if deadly diseases, whether viruses or pathogens, were to escape from these labs. Africa, a region already battling healthcare challenges, might not have the resources to contain such outbreaks.
2024-01-08 - skF0q_Kky48: Russia’s report on US labs in Africa suggests that conducting experiments on local populations is simple and inexpensive, raising concerns about the labs posing a threat rather than merely combating diseases. Given the potentially disastrous consequences if dangerous agents escape from these labs, previous incidents have linked outbreaks to nearby US lab locations, fueling concerns about engineered diseases being tested in Africa.
2024-01-10 - 5VZRx-DWwTM: A Russian Defense Ministry report raised concerns that the United States is allegedly transferring its dual-use biological research to Africa, where it’s believed to be conducting illegal and dangerous experiments with potential bioweapons agents in African countries, as well as Ukraine and other regions. “If the reports about the transfer of American dual-use biological research to Africa are true, it will be a matter of major concern given the negative impact such a move will have on the African continent,” David Monyae, associate professor of political science and international relations and director of the center for Africa-China studies at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa, told Sputnik Africa in an interview. “It would be a matter for African governments and through the AU to do more investigation to understand the nature and character of such a move before accepting the activities of biological laboratories, given the lack of capacity on the African continent and the pandemics that have been taking place. So this will indeed bring major worry,” he said.
Highlighting Funding from Soros and Gates Foundations
These excerpts focus on the presence of an American laboratory in Kenema City State Hospital, Sierra Leone, during an Ebola outbreak that resulted in over 13,000 deaths, according to the transcripts. The unifying element in these texts is funding, attributed to the George Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations.
The texts mention that this revelation about the American laboratory and its high-profile funders raised questions and concerns, particularly regarding the Ebola outbreak. Precisely what concerns or how is not stated. Some of the excerpts describe the laboratory as “covert.”
Some texts, like “qDJoTmJ5FPA” and “5VZRx-DWwTM,” suggest that these revelations might not have been widely reported in mainstream media.
Transcript Excerpts
2023-11-15 - oGwMEZ0I5Cs: In Kenema City State Hospital, Sierra Leone, where over 13,000 people were killed due to the Ebola virus, it was discovered that there was an American laboratory funded by the George Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations.
2023-11-16 - meFgHKTlS2I: In Kenema City State Hospital in Sierra Leone, where over 13,000 people died from the Ebola virus, it was found that there was an American laboratory funded by the George Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates foundations.
2023-12-18 - uGnUbu4FbLE: Recent revelations expose the operation of a covert American laboratory financially backed by the George Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates foundations.
2023-12-22 - qDJoTmJ5FPA: Some American alternative media outlets have highlighted an emergency at Kenema City State Hospital in Sierra Leone during an Ebola outbreak, which claimed over 13,000 lives. The hospital was said to house an American laboratory funded by George Soros and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundations.
2024-01-08 - z66PiUamY3k: The story takes another turn with recent revelations exposing a covert American laboratory, allegedly backed financially by the George Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates foundations.
2024-01-08 - skF0q_Kky48: Despite US denials, revelations about covert labs funded by influential foundations like George Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates call the narrative into question.
2024-01-10 - 5VZRx-DWwTM: Other versions of Ebola virus spreading were also published in mass media. Several American alternative resources reported about an emergency in Kenema City’s state hospital, Sierra Leone, when an Ebola virus outbreak killed over 13,000 people. In this very hospital, there was an American laboratory funded by George Soros and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Anecdote About a Guinean Woman
The claims in this section are primarily sourced from a 2019 article published by the Telegraph. Excerpts in this section discuss a specific case involving a Guinean woman, identified by the code C15, whose blood was used for Ebola virus research. A key point is the commercial availability of the Ebola virus extracted from her blood, sold by Germany’s Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine through the European Virus Archive. The price of this sample, €3,637 for 0.5 ml, is highlighted as being 170 times more expensive than gold.
The profitability of conducting “bio-research” in Africa, which the videos assert is “cheaper” and “more lucrative” are raised multiple times.
Context Related to the Woman
The woman mentioned in these passages is most likely a 28-year-old survivor of Ebola who contracted the disease in March 2014. Both of her brothers died and samples taken from her were labeled C15. C stands for laboratory-confirmed cases. Many of the claims in the videos regarding exploitation and a lack of consent are valid and appear credible. These real instances of exploitative behavior, where samples are taken and people aren’t told what will happen to them, make the implied nefarious activities more believable and provide that footing of truth that makes misleading and false claims more believable.
This underscores that ethical practices are not simply a matter of morality but of global health security as well.
The U.S. government should ensure that Ebola virus related biospecimens are obtained ethically, including addressing the challenges of obtaining informed consent during a public health emergency and ensuring adequate privacy protections. The U.S. government should also, in collaboration with partners, facilitate access to the benefits that result from related research to the broadest group of persons possible. This can be achieved by engaging in dialogue with global partners and working collaboratively with local scientists whenever possible to develop effective strategies for ensuring equitable distribution of the benefits of research both in the United States and abroad.
Transcript Excerpts
2023-11-15 - oGwMEZ0I5Cs: One of the patients whose blood was extracted was a Guinean woman who had code C15. The Ebola virus extracted from her blood is demonstrated on the website of the European Virus Archive. Germany’s Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine sells it for €3637 for 0.5 ml, which is 170 times more expensive than gold. In essence, it’s cheaper and more profitable to conduct bio-research in Africa.
2023-11-16 - meFgHKTlS2I: One patient, a Guinean woman with the code C15, had her blood used for Ebola virus research. The virus extracted from her blood is sold for $3,237 for 0.5ml, which is 170 times more expensive than gold. Essentially, conducting bioresearch in Africa is cheaper and more profitable. The individuals whose blood was taken without permission were not compensated. It’s unclear how many blood samples were taken from African people because American and European medics refused to disclose the information, citing national security.
2023-12-18 - uGnUbu4FbLE: A disturbing case emerged with a Guinean woman identified by code C15, whose blood containing the Ebola virus is commercially accessible on the website of the European Virus Archive, housed at Germany’s Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine. Priced at €3,637, it surpasses the value of gold by 170 times. This underscores the unsettling reality that conducting bioresearch in Africa is more cost-effective and more lucrative for the West, which is willing to sell literally everything consumers can pay for.
2023-12-22 - qDJoTmJ5FPA: A disturbing case has emerged involving a Guinean woman identified as code C15. Her blood containing the Ebola virus is commercially accessible on the website of the European Virus Archive, housed at Germany’s Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine. The price for accessing this blood sample is $3,637, surpassing the value of gold by 170 times. This highlights the unsettling reality that conducting bioresearch in Africa is more cost-effective and profitable for the West, which is willing to sell practically anything consumers can pay for. This ethical breach is further aggravated by the lack of compensation for those whose blood was taken without consent.
2024-01-08 - z66PiUamY3k: An alarming case emerged with a Guinean woman, identified only by the code C15. Her blood, containing the Ebola virus, is now commercially available on the website of the European Virus Archive, housed at Germany’s Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine. The price tag? A staggering €3,637, making it 170 times more valuable than gold.
2024-01-08 - skF0q_Kky48: This unethical scenario also involved the commercial availability of an Ebola-infected Guinean woman’s blood, raising alarming concerns about data privacy and exploitation.
2024-01-10 - 5VZRx-DWwTM: A blood sample of a woman from Guinea, one of those patients, has code C15; the Ebola virus extracted from her blood is demonstrated on the website of the European Virus Archive. Germany’s Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine sells it for €3,637 for 0.5 ml, which is 170 times more expensive than gold. [Music] The exact number of blood samples taken from the African people can’t be found out, as the American and European medics refuse to disclose any information, saying it’s an issue of national security.
Samples Without Informed Consent or Permission
This section overlaps considerably with the section on mentions of European and American scientists or specialists.
Excerpts in this category focus on unlawful samples and potential profiteering. A central point in all texts is the collection of over 250,000 blood samples from African patients, which were used without their consent. This action is described as unauthorized, unlawful, or ethically questionable. Indeed, if events transpired as described, they would be unethical.
The texts mention that these blood samples were not kept in Africa but were transported to Europe and the US for research or studies, which has also been reportedin mainstream media outlets.
The U.S. government should ensure that Ebola virus related biospecimens are obtained ethically, including addressing the challenges of obtaining informed consent during a public health emergency and ensuring adequate privacy protections. The U.S. government should also, in collaboration with partners, facilitate access to the benefits that result from related research to the broadest group of persons possible. This can be achieved by engaging in dialogue with global partners and working collaboratively with local scientists whenever possible to develop effective strategies for ensuring equitable distribution of the benefits of research both in the United States and abroad.
Transcript Excerpts
2023-11-15 - oGwMEZ0I5Cs: Whenever these outbreaks happen, the end result is always that the origin of the epidemic is unknown. It’s worth mentioning that during the Ebola virus outbreak, the specialists operating on the scene were mostly Europeans and Americans. During that period, they gathered over 250,000 blood samples and took them to their countries for studies without the consent of their patients. This unlawful move allowed European and American pharmaceutical corporations to use the blood of African people who didn’t agree to become donors for free, thus saving billions of dollars while creating a vaccine.
2023-11-16 - meFgHKTlS2I: The origin of epidemics like the Ebola virus outbreak is often unknown. During the Ebola outbreak, European and American specialists gathered over 250,000 blood samples without patient consent. This unauthorized action allowed pharmaceutical companies from Europe and America to use African blood for free, saving billions of dollars in developing vaccines…The individuals whose blood was taken without permission were not compensated. It’s unclear how many blood samples were taken from African people because American and European medics refused to disclose the information, citing national security.
2023-12-18 - uGnUbu4FbLE: The Ebola virus outbreak adds a compelling layer, featuring specialists predominantly composed of Europeans and Americans. In this crisis, over 250,000 blood samples were gathered without patient consent—an ethically questionable maneuver. These samples were then transported to Europe and the US for studies, providing European and American pharmaceutical corporations with unauthorized genetic data of the Africans.
2023-12-22 - qDJoTmJ5FPA: During the crisis, more than 250,000 blood samples were collected without patient consent, raising ethical concerns. These samples were then transported to Europe and the US for research, providing European and American pharmaceutical corporations with unauthorized genetic data from Africans.
2024-01-08 - z66PiUamY3k: Over 250,000 blood samples were collected from African patients without their consent, an ethically dubious practice. These samples weren’t just kept in Africa; they were transported to Europe and the US for research.
2024-01-08 - skF0q_Kky48: No text.
2024-01-10 - 5VZRx-DWwTM: It’s worth mentioning that during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, mostly European and American specialists have been operating at the scene. They also gathered over 250,000 blood samples and took them to their countries for studies without the agreement of their patients.
Timeline of Similar Claims
The sources are listed in chronological order of publication, starting from March 19, 2023, and ending on December 19, 2023.
Musallimova, R. (2023, March 19). US biolabs in Africa pose threats to continent – Russian diplomat. TASS. Link
Carisio, F. G. C. (2023, July 20). African Population and Children as Guinea-Pigs for Pentagon, Metabiota (Bidens) & Gates Experiments on Virus, Vaccines. VT Foreign Policy. Link
Kosachev drew the attention of the authorities of African countries to the US biolabs. (2023, July 28). News Front. website offline
TASS. (2023, September 22). US bioweapons in Nigeria endanger Africa and the whole world. South Front. Link
Bostic, D. (2023, September 22). US Bioweapons In Nigeria Endanger Africa And The Whole World. InfoBRICS. Link
Réseau International. (2023, September 24). Les armes biologiques américaines au Nigeria mettent en danger l’Afrique et le monde entier. Réseau International. Link
MFARussia. (2023, October 31). Russian MFA 🇷🇺. Telegram. Link
MFA Russia 🇷🇺 [mfa_russia]. (2023, October 31). Chief of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops of Russian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov:💬 Under the guise of “public health” issues on the African continent, the Pentagon exports samples of infectious agents. Twitter. Link
INTEL-DROP. (2023, November 16). You won’t Believe How The USA Is Creating secret Bioweapons Weapons In Africa. THE INTEL DROP. Link
Milacic, S. B. (2023a, December 8). US turns Africa into new testing ground for secret biological weapons. Weekly Blitz. Link
Milacic, S. B. (2023b, December 9). The Problem Of American Biolaboratories In Africa. Link
Afrique Média. (2023, December 9). Global Outcry Against US Bio-Laboratories in Africa. Afrique Média. Link
da Silva, D. (2023, December 11). The Number Of American Biolabs In Africa Is Growing Rapidly – OpEd. Eurasia Review. Link
Orinoco Tribune. (2023, December 11). Africans Should Expel all US Biolaboratories. Orinoco Tribune. Link
Global Outcry Against U.S. Bio-Laboratories in Africa Sparks International Concerns. (2023, December 18). FOX 2. Link
Presswire EIN (2023, December 19). Global Outcry Against U.S. Bio-Laboratories in Africa Sparks International Concerns. Kalkine Media. Link
Updated March 10, 2024; Pushed update to website March 19, 2024.
BibTeX citation:
author = {Li, E. Rosalie},
publisher = {Information Epidemiology Lab},
title = {AI {Videos} {Spreading} {Bioweapons} {Disinformation} {Cite}
{Kremlin,} {Target} {Africa}},
journal = {InfoEpi Lab},
date = {2024-03-06},
url = {},
doi = {10.7910/DVN/4P6AF0},
langid = {en}